Corporate Living: New Applicants


As part of our campus outreach, the church in Los Angeles coordinates housing for college-age brothers and sisters in Christ who want to pursue the Lord together in a healthy environment.

For over twenty years, the brothers’ and sisters’ housing (often called “corporate living”) has provided a place where young people are encouraged to grow humanly and spiritually in Christ with one another. Through their experience in corporate living, students have been helped to develop good study habits, learn household responsibilities, and cultivate a seeking heart toward the Lord and His eternal purpose.  Many can testify of the benefit they have received, preparing them for life after college, including the full-time training and a life of service.

However, corporate living is not for everyone and is only a part of our overall care for students. We believe it is important that each student have the personal desire to live in corporate living. There are many housing alternatives at UCLA, including on-campus dorms, and off-campus apartments and homes. We care for and meet with students who live in each of these places.

What is Corporate Living?

“But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Tim. 2:22)

Corporate living is not simply a nice place to live. It requires a commitment (expressed in the Housing Agreement) from each tenant to be an active and contributing factor to a healthy atmosphere of pursuing Christ for the building up of the church. With the oversight of serving brothers and sisters, students coordinate in the practical details of living together as well as in pursuing the Lord for the church life.

How to Apply

This application is required to be considered for corporate living. Completing the application begins a process of consideration (which includes a fellowship interview) but does not guarantee acceptance. Because this process takes time, we encourage you to apply to other housing options if you have not been confirmed to live in corporate living by May 1 (for freshman).

You will need to submit the following forms for your application to be considered complete:

  1. Housing Agreement
  2. Student Application

We will also ask for a written recommendation from your church elder or serving one, whom we will contact directly using the contact information you provide on your application. After receiving all the parts of your application, we will contact you and your parents to schedule a fellowship interview.

Application Timeline

February 1 – Early action application deadline for current students

February 7 – Early action acceptances sent out to current students (same date as UCLA housing application deadline for current students)

April 24 – Final application deadline for incoming freshmen and current students; final deadline for existing residents to submit their intent to return

May 1 – Final acceptances sent out to incoming freshmen and current students (same date as UCLA housing application deadline for incoming freshmen)

May 25 – Corporate living application deadline for transfer students

June 1 – Final acceptances sent out to transfer students (same date as UCLA housing application deadline for transfers)


For Frequently Asked Questions related to corporate living, please refer to the next tab on top of this page.
Any additional questions regarding the application process can be directed to Miles Mistler: (707) 249-3913

Q: Will I be able to choose where I live?

We will bring your requests into consideration. However, there is no guarantee that we can satisfy your requests and preferences.

Q: Will I be guaranteed a four year stay? Will I be moved around?

Housing leases are for one year, and thus you will not move around during the year. However, though our principle is to minimize shuffling year to year, there is no guarantee that you will remain in one place for all four years.

Q: How close is the UCLA campus to the brothers’ and sisters’ housing?

UCLA campus is within a 10-15 minute walk from where the housing is. Biking is also convenient mode of transportation to campus.

Q: How many roommates will I have?

Generally, we house 2 to 3 people per room.

Q: Do I need to bring furniture?

Most of the houses are partially furnished. You will only need to bring a mattress, a desk chair, and some storage bins for your clothing.

Q: How much would I expect to pay per month?

Rent will be approximately $1000 per month without utilities and $1050 per month with utilities included. All utilities including internet is about $40 per month.

Q: How do I pay rent?

All of the rent is submitted online through a secure payment website called

Q: How long is the lease term?

Everyone will sign a 12-month lease.

Q: Are meals provided?

Although there are house dinners (see next question), students will need to provide most of their own meals. However, grocery shopping and cooking can be worked out with other students.

Q: What are house dinners?

House dinners are an opportunity to be blended with other students and saints in the community while eating a meal together. House dinners vary from quarter to quarter and among different houses but generally involve one or two nights a week in the brothers’ and sisters’ apartments. Ways to participate include shopping for food, cooking, cleaning and, of course, eating. Participating twice a week for the entire quarter may cost between $100-$120.

Q: Where can I do laundry?

All the apartments have a laundry facility on site, and some are coin-operated.

Q: Is there a curfew?

The curfew is a self-imposed time set by you and your housemates.

Q: Should I bring a car, and is parking available?

Having a car is not necessary. There are many places within walking distance (school, grocery stores, drug stores, banks, restaurants, etc.), and the church meeting place is also within walking distance. Parking is very limited and the Westwood area is difficult to navigate. If you are planning to bring a car it would be good to fellowship with us regarding the parking situation.