“God Has Blended the Body Together” (1 Cor. 12:24)
Lord’s Day, October 19 the whole church in Los Angeles will gather at L.A. Trade Tech College (the same location as in April). Ask the Lord to release every one of us to attend and to exercise our spirit to partake of the blending which God has already accomplished.
Korean Language Bible Distribution
The Korean-speaking saints did a Bible distribution during the L.A. Korean Festival last week (September 18-21). We distributed about 1100 Bibles including 100 English and 80 Spanish. This will be followed by Bible seminars on three Saturdays—September 27, October 4 and 11. Through the seminars they hope to get many seekers to participate in their weekly Bible club meetings.
The overall atmosphere was good and many people appreciated the free study Bible and showed interest in Bible seminars or Bible clubs. We received contact information for about 650 people.
Spain and Portugal
The saints serving in the Iberian Peninsula are burdened to cover the full Peninsula including Spain, Portugal, their island territories, the micro state of Andorra, and Gibraltar. The total population is close to 60 million. The Lord is opening up many areas, some where we have new saints meeting, others with contacts and scattered saints.
At present there are three couples serving full time in Madrid and one in Lisbon. The scattered and new saints need much shepherding; frequent and personal visits are the best way and central to our service here. Given the need and the size of the field, we feel we are very shorthanded.
The Lord’s recovery in here started in the early 80s and there had been some young saints sent to the full-time training several years ago. Then there was a gap of a few years with no young saints in the full-time training. Now there is a new crop who has been raised up and over the past two years some have graduated from the training and begun serving.
A three-page report about the Lord’s move here is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
After many months of struggle, Christians on Campus in Lausanne is officially an organization now. First campus in Switzerland. Lord, provide many more.
Lebanon and Cyprus
The church in Beirut warmly extends an invitation to the churches to share with us in a time of fellowship and blending to be held on the island of Cyprus September 25-28.
1. Morning revival: week 28 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
2. The winter trainingtraining will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Registration should be completed by October 26. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
3. There will be a Southern California Korean-speaking conference on October 25, 9 am to 9 pm in Anaheim. This will be a respeaking in Korean of the ITERO in Toronto. Registration is required, due October 12, with $15 for two meals and outlines. There will be child care service.
4. There will be a Southern California Blending Conference on November 15, 4 to 9 pm in Anaheim. Translation will be provided for Chinese, Korean, and Spanish; bring an FM radio. Limited childcare will be available; details will be announced later.
5. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
6. The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday and Lord’s Day, February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at www.icsc2015.org/about/index.