Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15
It is common today that in the local churches what we can see is mostly the “church” in its meetings, activities, works, and services. But we cannot see much of the reality of the Body of Christ in resurrection, that is, in the Spirit, in the pneumatic Christ, and in the consummated God. So there is the need for us to endeavor to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ. We need to endeavor to reach in the church life the highest peak, today’s Zion, of the reality of the Body of Christ until we consummate in the New Jerusalem, including Zion. Dear saints, this is our need. To have the blending is to meet this need. (WL, Practical Points Concerning Blending, Chapter 2, Section 4)
The conference is at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim.
Saturday, March 14, 4:00 to 5:45 pm and 7:00 to 8:45 pm (bring your own dinner)
Lord’s Day, March 15, 10:00 to 10:30 am Table and 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
(Those in Los Angeles who cannot get to Anaheim Lord’s Day should meet at hall 2.)
Details about child care are at
Southern California High School Conferences March 13-15
It was at least four months after the children of Israel left Egypt that they began to build the tabernacle. During these months, their diet had been changed and their constitution was at least in the process of changing and of being replaced with the element of manna. By feeding on manna, God’s people eventually became manna. As those constituted of manna, they could build the tabernacle as God’s dwelling place. (WL, Life-study of Exodus, p. 408-409)
We pray that these conferences would be a rich time of feasting for reconstitution, producing a generation of young people qualified to build God’s dwelling place.
Korean-speaking Bible Seminar in LA
Praise the Lord! Last Saturday we had a wonderful Bible seminar, the first of this year. The Lord blessed by sending 36 new ones with the majority being young adults in their 20s or 30s. The atmosphere was really sweet and comfortable when we pursued the words regarding “Enosh: calling upon the Lord’s name.”
Please pray that they would be in contact with the saints through our Bible clubs and also come back to the next seminar, April 18.
Middle Age Training (Anaheim)
FTTA-Midage began this week. There are 76 trainees registered for the entire term, including six from L.A. Sixteen more are registered for part of the term, including two from L.A. Lord, perfect these saints for the work of Your ministry for the building up of Your Body. Lord, use all these trainees to hasten Your coming.
In recent terms the number of trainees has been constant. However, the number of trainees from other nations has increased and the number from the U.S. has decreased. Please pray for a noticeable increase in the number from the U.S. this fall (without a decrease from other nations).
South Africa
Dick Taylor continues in Pretoria, South Africa in the church life, fellowshipping with many saints, and teaching at the full-time training. Michael Stewart (from London) will join Dick for the South Africa national conference March 13 to 15. In recent years, attendance at this conference has been about 300.
Please pray for:
- Dick and Michael to be strengthened for their labor and ministry there,
- the rich speaking and full receiving of the word during and after the conference,
- the Lord to exercise His authority to grant visas for many more to come to the training from other African nations.
There will be a one-day conference March 20, a training for serving saints March 21-22, and intensified gospel preaching March 22-31.
- Morning revival: week 4 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension.
- In hopes to continue advancing corporately in our care for the next generation we are happy to announce the next young people’s serving ones training on March 21st, 9 am to 3 pm, at the church in Cerritos meeting hall. Register by March 15. There will be translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
- The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord’s Day, May 3.
- The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
- The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.