Lord, Open the Doors and Close the Gates
“And to the messenger of the church in Philadelphia write: These things says the Holy One, the true One, the One who has the key of David, the One who opens and no one will shut, and shuts and no one opens” (Rev. 3:7). Christ is the real David, the One who has the key of God’s dominion. We were created by God both to express Him with His life and to represent Him with His authority. We are able to do both by being one in life with Christ to touch the heavens and thereby to loose and bind here what has been loosed and bound there.
- Lord, open the door of the gospel more in our hearts—release us to speak Your gospel frequently.
- Lord, we ask You to eliminate any spiritual or psychological death from Your recovery. Lord, grant us mercy to cooperate in every way with Your cleansing and purifying.
Young People
Ask the Lord to give a profitable continuation of the Summer School of Truth in a) on-going contact between young people and college students, b) the words spoken to operate in each young person (1 Thes. 2:13), c) a definite consecration by each young person, and d) their daily revival by contacting the Lord.
Thousand Oaks and Cal State University Channel Islands
We have an English-speaking group gathering every Saturday evening. The burden of this group is three-fold: 1) for the building up of local saints, 2) for college campus work (especially CSUCI), and 3) for the building up of local young working adults. Please pray for
- the Lord’s bountiful supply to this group, so that we will continually have the enjoyment of Christ;
- attraction of college students and young adults for Lord’s recovery.
New Testament Distribution in London
The Olympic Games are July 27 to August 12. There will be distributions at two locations in London Tuesday through Saturday of this week. Continue to pray for a rich blessing on the distributions and for much grace to the saints in follow-up contacts with the recipients.
Middle-Age FTTA
Please ask the Lord to thrust more saints into the training, especially couples with elementary school age children. Ask Him for 36 English-speaking trainees (new plus returning) to attend for the full term.
European Young People’s Conference
The conference is July 29 to August 4 in Poland. The goal is to provide an atmosphere that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk. Young people from all over Europe will attend, with some from outside Europe to extend the scope of blending.
Full Time Training in Caacupe, Paraguay
Please pray for the new semester in FTTC starting on August 6th. We are expecting eleven new candidates from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Honduras, and Peru plus 14 returning trainees. Pray that:
- the Lord may open all the necessary doors so that all will make it to the training;
- His gracious presence and perfecting speaking may saturate the atmosphere of pre-training week;
- more will be able to come to the training for a short-term;
- the Lord may provide the teachers to cover the classes this coming semester.
Frankfurt, Germany
In July two families moved to Frankfurt, Germany. Please pray that the Lord release jobs and suitable houses for each family. We feel that the Lord is answering our prayer to establish His testimony in this important city. May He also release all these practical needs for the saints to live there.
- Morning revival: week 3 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body… (Memorial Day conference).
- An invitation to the Northern California Labor Day conference, at a hotel near San Francisco is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. It will be a review of the Memorial Day conference with a mix of messages and prophesying meetings. If you are in the church in L.A. and plan to attend, please send an email to laserviceoffice@gmail.com by mid-day, Saturday, August 4, with your name and the number of adults and young people in your car or group.
- Two special meetings will be held on August 4 (7 pm) and 5 (9:30 am) at the LSM Ministry Conference Center. These meetings will be the final sessions of the New Jersey Chinese-student extension training, which is being held in five locations around the US, including Southern California. The burden for the meetings on August 4 and 5 is “Gaining Typical Americans by Practicing the God-ordained Way to Meet the Lord’s Present Need.” As a result of fellowship among the North American co-workers during their three days of prayer this week, a decision was made to enlarge these final two sessions to include the saints of other languages as well. All who are burdened may attend. Translation will be provided in English, Korean, and Spanish; those who require translation need to bring FM radios. There will be no child care; please do not bring children.